Kelly is a fierce challenger and rule-breaker who strives to provide a space for growth and exploration through mobility-based creative sequences. She loves to provide a safe, supported opportunity for people to show up as they are, challenge themselves mentally and physically, and evolve to be better humans. 

I lived the life of a vagabond before moving to Nashville in 2008, with my current home being my 43rd residence since birth. Yoga came into my life in 2010 when a friend brought me to my future mentor Gillian St. Clair’s class, though I didn’t make time for it regularly until 2013. My practice began as a purely physical endeavor, but the mental health benefits immediately came to fruition. I began to notice that the peace I felt after devoting time to breathe and make shapes gradually enveloped my thoughts and interactions outside class. I am also a pediatric occupational therapist which is similar to teaching yoga in the sense that in both I facilitate growth from a place of compassion. I strive to create an atmosphere where individuals feel comfortable exploring movement and effort by how something feels vs aesthetics.  I respect and honor the traditions of yoga and give gratitude to all the generations of teachers who have given their knowledge and this practice to us. I’m a mother of 4, wife to a beautiful sage who gives me roots, and a sister to many: all roles I honor. I am a fierce challenger, foul-mouthed, writer, and an avid traveler who loves to photograph and experience the world through cuisine and listening to people’s stories.